Eryx: Design the Game World

Worldbuilding for science fiction game. 

ERYX TCG (Deckbuilding Card Game): Online Edition

  • Duel deckbuilding card game for 2 players
  • Can be played from custom decks as online CCG (Collectible Card Game) or as an offline solo adventure with a storyline

Players can create their own cards using provided Rules & Lore Book (for Print2Play Edition), using own graphics or provided template graphics and/or custom AI model for card generation

ERYX: A Lovecraftian Fable

On the fringe of explored space, where the tendrils of charted civilization fray into the unknown, lies the desolate planet Eryx. Scarred by the Collective conflict, humankind seek resources for a battered Earth. Extraterrestrial Reconnaissance & Yield Xenobiology (ERYX) project is found and sent to reestablish outposts, mining facilities and xenoarcheology sites on the planet and its two moons. But Eryx holds a sinister truth.

Here, twisted flora and fauna serve the enigmatic Eryxians, while brutal Collective's extermination units are establishing its presence on the planet. The struggle for resources once hardened humanity, but the darkness of Eryx twists their resolve. Now, they fight not just for survival, but against the insidious whispers that threaten to corrupt their very souls.

Whispers of the Ancients, cosmic horrors from beyond the stars, fuel the planet's malevolent aura. Can humanity survive this desolate crucible, or will they succumb to the madness within Eryx's ancient ruins?

ERYX: Factions

  • Humans
  • Collective
  • Eryxians
  • Ancients

Eryx. A name whispered on a thousand barren worlds, a beacon of luminescence in the unforgiving expanse. Its emerald bioluminescent flora pulsed beneath a perpetual twilight sky, painting the landscape in an alien tapestry. Colossal, crystalline lifeforms pierced the clouds, their surfaces etched with arcane symbols that defied comprehension. Here, fantastical creatures stalked the twilight jungle, their forms a bizarre fusion of familiar and alien. Yet, this strange beauty masked a deeper mystery. The Eryxians, an ancient race shrouded in legend, were said to possess psionic abilities that rivaled the gods themselves. Their enigmatic cities, half-buried by the encroaching jungle, pulsed with an unseen energy, a testament to a forgotten glory. You stand at the precipice of this world, a lone operative amidst the whispering secrets of Eryn. Will you venture forth as a hardened human recon soldier, a stoic member of the robotic collective, or perhaps, a descendant of the Eryxians themself, awakened to a forgotten legacy? The choice is yours, operative. The fate of Eryx hangs in the balance.

Your descent through Eryx's atmosphere jolted you awake. The rickety dropship groaned in protest, the viewscreen flickering with glimpses of the alien landscape rushing towards you. A klaxon blared, red emergency lights bathing the cramped interior in an ominous glow. The pilot, a grizzled veteran with a cybernetic eye, barked orders over the comms. "Unidentified energy signature detected! Brace for hard landing!"

The impact sent you sprawling. Disoriented, you clambered from the wreckage, the alien air thick and humid. Strange chittering sounds echoed from the jungle, and a bioluminescent vine whipped past your face, its touch sending a jolt through your nervous system. This wasn't just any recon mission. This was a descent into the unknown, a chance to unravel the mysteries of Eryx and its enigmatic inhabitants. The question gnawed at you - were the Eryxians allies, or a forgotten power waiting to be awakened? As you scanned your surroundings, the weight of your decision settled on your shoulders. The fate of the mission, and perhaps Eryx itself, rested on your choice.

You checked your gear, the familiar weight of your weapon a grounding comfort in this alien world. Glancing at the flickering console on your wrist, you reviewed the mission parameters. Your objective: locate the source of the unidentified energy signature and assess potential threats. But the harsh reality was this - you were a single operative on a hostile planet, with a wrecked dropship and a gnawing sense of unease.

Three paths diverged before you. To the north, the dense jungle canopy pulsed with an unnatural bioluminescence, promising both danger and potential answers. To the west, the ruins of a colossal Eryxian city shimmered in the twilight, a testament to a lost civilization. And to the east, a faint metallic hum resonated through the air, hinting at a technology both alien and strangely familiar.

Which path would you choose, operative?

Human Recon Soldier or Scientist: Driven by a soldier's pragmatism, you head for the wreckage, hoping to salvage emergency supplies and establish communication. Perhaps the pilot survived, or the ship's black box holds the key to your predicament.
Robotic Collective Unit: Your primary directive is to gather data and assess potential threats. The humming sound to the east draws you in, a beacon of technological curiosity amidst the organic chaos.
Descendant of the Eryxians: A primal pull beckons you towards the ruined city. Perhaps the energy signature is a remnant of your people's forgotten power, a call to awaken a dormant legacy within you.

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Gameplay and Rules

ERYX TCG Online Rules You may play in multiplayer duel mode on a dedicated server or in offline mode in adventure or solo…