Eryx TCG Pre-Alpha

Refine Your Strategies and Experience Eryx Gameplay: Eryx TCG Closed Pre-Alpha.

Gear Up, Explorers, Eryx Descends on Android! The pre-alpha for Eryx, the chilling deckbuilding card game, is here! Dive into a world of cosmic horror and experience early gameplay mechanics. Be among the first to explore the enigmatic world and encounter its lurking horrors.

Descendant of the Eryxians

The pull towards the ruined city was undeniable. It wasn't just a logical choice, it was a thrumming in your very being, a song sung in a language your ancestors spoke but your conscious mind had forgotten. Ignoring the warnings flashing on your neural interface about the dangers of venturing into unknown territory, you set off towards the west.

The jungle thinned as you neared the city, replaced by a desolate landscape of cracked earth and shattered crystal formations. The air crackled with a faint electrical energy, making the hairs on your arms stand on end. As you approached the city gates, colossal structures etched with swirling glyphs loomed before you. The glyphs shimmered with an inner light, pulsing in rhythm with the energy signature you were tracking.

A strange sense of familiarity washed over you as you placed your hand on the cool surface of the gate. The glyphs flared, bathing you in a blinding white light. When your vision cleared, you found yourself standing not outside the city, but within. The once grand halls were overgrown with strange, bioluminescent vines, and the air hung heavy with the scent of decay. Yet, amidst the ruins, there was a hum of residual power, a whisper of a glorious past.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through your mind, a voice both ancient and strangely comforting. It spoke in a language you didn't understand, yet somehow comprehended. It spoke of a forgotten legacy, of a dormant power waiting to be awakened. The voice urged you to venture deeper, to the heart of the city, where the true source of the energy signature lay.

Do you:

Follow the voice: Driven by the promise of awakening your forgotten heritage, you delve deeper into the ruined city, following the voice's guidance. (download the game)
Investigate the source of the voice: While the voice seems benevolent, you remain cautious. You decide to locate the source of the voice before blindly following its instructions. (see rulebook)

While the voice seems benevolent, you remain cautious. You decide to locate the source of the voice before blindly following its instructions.

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